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Huali Electric assists in the construction of the Shenzhen Zhongshan Channel project, witnessing a new height in the construction of China's cross sea

Huali Electric assists in the construction of the Shenzhen Zhongshan Channel project, witnessing a new height in the construction of China's cross sea

On June 30, 2024, the highly anticipated Shenzhen Zhongshan Passage was officially opened, marking a historic moment when the transportation artery connecting Shenzhen and Zhongshan was put into use. The smooth opening of the Shenzhen Zhongshan Passage is not only another milestone in China's infrastructure construction, but also a vivid reflection of the wisdom and strength of Chinese engineers.

Huali Electric is a supplier of high-voltage ring main units for the 10kV Shenzhen Zhongshan Cross River Channel Project (GD2 standard). As a member participating in the construction of the Shenzhen China Channel, our company is deeply proud. During the project construction process, we overcame a series of technical difficulties, continuously optimized technical solutions, and ensured that every task met the highest standards, ensuring the reliability and stability of the power supply for the Shenzhen Zhongshan Channel project.

In the future, Huali Electric will rely on technological innovation to continuously promote the company's technological upgrading and contribute more to the construction of transportation infrastructure.


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